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Abs? Yes, you have them hidden under the deep layer of fat, and you want to announce to the world that you have superb, ripped-off abs. Do not worry, as, throughout this article, we would be talking about the topmost fat burners for abs. Yeah, no need to wander and ponder here and there, above and below, and have the most effective solutions in the world in your hands. If you insist on searching for weight loss supplements on the internet, we won’t stop you at all. But we sure you will come back to this page for clarification.
But before that, you have to take an oath that you won’t cheat yourself. When you cheat for a day, it is okay, and we can call it off as a cheat day. But when we cheat on another day, we are not cheating anyone else but ourselves, our dreams, and our fitness goals. Hence, take an oath before you even start the ab-fitness journey that you won’t cheat for two consecutive days. You can even assess your ‘why’ – the reason for which you want six-pack abs, and you can write in on a big piece of paper and stick it on your bedroom wall. The moment you feel lethargic and feel like cheating yourself, you will be reminded of the reason for getting cool abs.
Do fat burners help get abs?
Fat burners. Doesn’t it sound like a machine that cuts down fat without your knowledge and makes you a product? Well, the name fat burner might sound technical, but the functioning is scientific and appropriate for your body. The fat burners contain potent ingredients that stimulate the body’s thermogenesis process and help in rapid fat burn.
But the question still arises – do fat burners really work and help in shaping up abs? Our answer is yes. Fat burners are powerful and designed in such a way to lead to ab sculpting and shaping, provided you perform ab-related exercises and a wholesome diet. But sadly, some fat burners are not good for your health or do not result in any effect on your body fat. Hence, it is wrong to say that all fat burners are effective or all fat burners are ineffective.
It depends entirely on the fat burner you choose for yourself. So, let us explore this topic in the latter part of the article. First, we will enlighten you with the best things to do to get abs this year.
Does a healthy lifestyle help in getting abs?
Of course, if you want abs, you cannot stay in your comfort zone, munch on French Fries, and eat ice-cream at night. You have to be diligent in eating healthy and nourishing foods, follow an exercise routine, and consume a weight loss supplement to do it. It is not just eating right; it is about eating the right foods that burn belly fat and do not lead to digestion issues. So, lifestyle has a huge impact on the ab journey, and you have to make every single effort to alter your lifestyle.
What are the things that can make you burn belly fat?
As we have understood the importance of a lifestyle and its role in burning belly fat, let us discuss the things that can directly have an impact. When you incorporate these things one by one in your routine and make them a habit, then your lifestyle will be transformed automatically.
- Buy food products consciously – You do not have to be a nutritionist to read labels. Basic knowledge about what a product should contain and not contain is sufficient. For example, check for the hidden sugars such as sucrose, and all ending with ‘ose,’ and you have climbed one step of the nutrition knowledge ladder.
- Consume more protein – Whenever you have a meal, ask yourself a basic question, “Where is the protein?” In this way, you will learn to add more protein-rich foods to your diet and curb that unwanted fat off the body.
- Keep moving – You exercise for half an hour a day, and you go for a brisk walk of 40 minutes. But for the rest of the day, you sit and work. That is not doing any good for your abs. If you want a flexible body, you need to keep yourself moving. Get up after every 30 minutes, schedule some time for exercising on a regular basis.
- Perform compound training – Merely depending on weight training or cardio is not sufficient. Some people believe that only crunches are sufficient to get abs. But it is not true. If you really want them in life, you have to do compound training exercises and get multiple muscle groups involved.
- Keep yourself motivated – Motivation is necessary for anyone, including those who are on this ab journey. There will be several times when you feel like crashing down and that your abs are not moving at all. Don’t worry, all you need is a little bit of motivation, and you will be right back on track.
- Challenge yourself – Do not compare your abs with others but with yourself. Set goals and milestones, and challenge yourself at every stage. Remember that you are your own competitor.
- Eat smaller bites – You are huge and great; this doesn’t mean you have to eat in larger portions. You have to eat according to the plate size. So, we suggest buying small-sized plates to control portion size. Take smaller bites and chew them properly. You will see the difference in your untimely food cravings and hunger.
- Cut down processed and refined carbs – Consume only healthy carbs such as sweet potatoes and broccoli. Get rid of all the processed ones as they will do nothing but enlarge your belly size.
- Consume fiber-rich foods – Fiber helps in better digestion, and better digestion means less bloating and nausea. Your stomach will feel lighter and better, and your abs will look awesome.
- Do not skip morning breakfast – Our advice is not to skip meals, particularly the morning breakfast. You should include high-nutritional content in your breakfast and make it a priority.
- Do not binge-eat and binge-watch – It sounds cool and an easy way to de-stress, but it can add too much of your belly fat. Search for other practical ways of de-stressing and keep the comfort foods away from your sight.
- Drink water – Dehydration is bad for your body, even for burning belly fat. So, make sure that you drink at least seven to eight glasses of water and keep all the health issues at bay.
- Brush teeth twice a day – It has been observed that brushing your teeth can lead to lesser cravings and make you snack less. So, after a meal, go brush your teeth. This will also lead to avoidance of cavities and other dental problems.
- Have variety in your meals – If you eat muesli for breakfast daily, it is going to make you feel erratic, and you will undergo a severe hunger pang after a week. It happens that people tend to munch on more comfort foods when they eat the same kind of food the whole day. So, we suggest you have a variety on your plate daily. Do not repeat meals, and experiment with healthy food options.
- Plan your meals – This is a wonderful hack to save time, eat nourishing food, and cut down belly fat. Meal-planning is, no doubt the best-rated term in nutrition and healthy eating worlds. So, fix a time to plan meals with your loved ones and do grocery shopping accordingly. You will love this new routine.
- Do not drink calories – Fruit juices, energy drinks, and smoothies are cool, but if you load them with sugar, they do nothing except entertaining your taste buds. Reduce your intake of such drinks, including sugary teas and coffees, and switch to water. You can add fruits to make water tasty.
- Avoid packaged foods – Learn to cook if you do not know how to do it right. This will save money and calories-intake from packaged foods. Avoid trips to places where you get all kinds of junk food.
- Do not eat heavy meals – It is seen that some people do not snack in between meals and load themselves during lunch and dinner when their hunger level has reached the peak level. This is a cruel way to treat your stomach. It gets overloaded and empty as and when you do it.
- Be mindful when you eat outside – It might sound ridiculous, but eating out should be strictly avoided when you are on the ab-building journey. But if you are not able to avoid it, then we suggest eating appetizers and salads and skipping the bread and gravies. Do not visit the desert counter at all.
- Keep healthy snack options ready – We recommend snacking between meals, but you shouldn’t be eating doughnuts or burgers during these times. Keep some healthy options ready such as peanuts, fortified milk, boiled eggs, nuts, and seeds to munch on.
- Maintain a food diary – If you wish to inculcate the mindfulness habit in your routine, then maintain a food journal and note down what you have eaten throughout the day. This will help you in two ways: first, you can track how much you are eating, and second, you can avoid overeating or eating the wrong foods.
- Do not practice emotional eating – If you eat or binge-eat when you are bored or tired or feel sad, then this is not a good thing. It will not help you in burning belly fat. Hence, avoid emotional eating and practice intuitive eating instead.
- Go for single-serving packs – Malls and supermarkets offer huge discounts on big-sized packages, and you end up stocking your pantry with these foods. It is okay to have a cheat day, and so, buy single-serving packs of such foods as cookies and chips. In this way, you will be cheating for a single day and not munching on high-calorie foods.
- Keep yourself inspired – Motivation is for taking action, and inspiration is for the achievement of long-term goals. You need both. You can get constantly inspired by the Instafeeds of the champions, or you can prepare a nice vision board for yourself.
- Push yourself out of the comfort zone – When you exercise in the gym, it is possible that you give in most of the time. You stop at the ninth pushup itself, or refrain yourself from lifting up weights, or avoid cardio altogether. Remember that a single thing will not help you in getting abs. You have to try out multiple exercises and keep your muscles active. So, do not stay comfortably in the usual zone; take a deep breath, and get out of it.
- Sleep early – If you binge-watch at night or keep working late, it is likely to affect your metabolism negatively. Hence, do not work with the lights on for a longer time in the night. Instead, sleep early and enjoy a bright and fresh morning the next day.
- Eat slowly – Chew the food, do not gulp it down, no matter how urgent is your project at hand. You have to treat your food like holy food and eat peacefully without any stressful thoughts in your mind. It is okay if you eat with your family or friends, but do not talk about stressful topics during this time.
What are things to know when you decide to burn belly fat?
- Only crunches and planks are not sufficient – You can find many people in the gym doing planks and crunches for the whole day without second thoughts. But these are not sufficient. These ab exercises should be accompanied by cardio, strength training, compound muscle movements, and others.
- All fats should be removed from the diet – Hey, all fats aren’t bad, and so, you shouldn’t be quitting them all. Healthy fats are a must in the diet as they fill up your stomach and provide essential nutrition. For instance, nuts contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which our body needs, and these don’t do any damn bad to your belly.
- Some people are fatty – What a statement! As if someone deserves to be fat right from birth and they have to live with it. Not at all! Guys, you have to get rid of this myth as it will keep conditioning your mind for years to come. Everyone can become slim and lean, only if they get rid of this mindset and be active and cheerful.
- Oil-free and sugar-free products are good for fat burn – Fat is healthy; this is what we learnt above. But does it mean you can munch on those so-called oil-free products that are marketed with attractive adverts? Not at all. Beware of such packaged products that promise to be oil-free and sugar-free but are loaded with sodium, salts, and hidden sugars. These products are doing worse for your belly, and you should be stuffing and calling yourself a healthy person.
- Dairy makes you fat and lethargic – There is a significant disagreement on this dispute, and every dietician will inform you in a different way. So, in this case, we will tell you to trust your gut. Study how you feel when you have milk. Do you feel gassy, or full, or bloated? If yes, then do not drink it but seek calcium from other sources.
- If you sleep more, you will gain weight – It is not the length of sleep that matters; what matters is the quality of sleep. If you rest in the bed for 10 hours with wakefulness or nightmares, it is certainly impacting your body and hormones. But if you seek quality sleep for at least 6 hours, it is too good. Watch for your sleep and carry out a bedtime ritual. You can also avoid caffeine before bedtime.
- Green tea is great for weight loss – Yes, it is as it contains antioxidants and other nutrients. But green tea alone cannot do miracles to your belly fat. You cannot drink green tea the whole day and expect yourself to look lean. It is advisable to consume a weight loss supplement that contains appropriate amounts of green tea.
- Weight supplements do not work at all; these are just marketing gimmicks – If you buy and consume a random supplement from an unknown brand and without checking the ingredients and working, it is likely that you will find this statement true. But if you research well before buying a supplement, ask experts for their opinion, and consult a doctor before actually adding it to your routine, you can find that a weight loss supplement does work. It takes some time to search for an excellent quality supplement, and you can surely see the difference in your abs.
What is the best fat burner for belly fat?
If natural options are considered, then we would suggest eating a protein-rich diet and exercising as the killer fat burners for your belly fat. But if you want a specially-designed fat burner for belly fat, then you have tons of weight loss pills. Some weight loss pills focus on the actual reduction of weight as they make you eat less and reduce fat deposits. On the contrary, some fat burners or weight loss supplements target your trouble areas such as flabby arms, muffin tops, and love handles. Yes, you would be amazed that these weight loss pills work.
But we won’t suggest you experiment with any weight loss pill and then repent with the resulting side effects. So, instead of trying out each supplement, you need to find out which ones are the best fat burners for belly fat.
We have a list of fat burners like PhenQ, Phen375, Instant Knockout, PrimeShred, Apple Cider Vinegar, and so on. This list seems too endless, and each supplement boasts of its weight-loss and fat-burn properties.
If you would like to experience fat burn for belly fat, then we have two options for you. These are scientifically-researched and proven and are 100 percent efficient. The companies provide friendly customer service along with a satisfaction guarantee.
What is the best fat burner on the market?
Of course, branded fat burners that have disclosed the ingredient composition and provide a satisfaction guarantee are the best in the weight loss industry and are on the mark. Out of them, we have shortlisted the two best fat burners, PrimeShred and Instant Knockout, to be of immense use and value.

Now, you must be wondering what is up to the mark? Yes, supplements need to be of a certain standard quality, and ‘the mark’ refers to the same. So, we have listed out specific parameters that you can check while evaluating a weight loss or any kind of supplement.
- Ingredients, whether everything is disclosed and whether each one is clinically proven and contributes to the fitness goal.
- Whether experts have conducted clinical tests and quality assessments to confirm the supplement’s efficacy.
- Customer testimonials and experiences of using this supplement for a prolonged time.
- Friendly customer service.
- Scientific working of the ingredients and the overall supplement.
- Price.
- Money-back guarantee and other benefits such as discounts and promotional offers.
What is the best supplement for six-pack abs?
It is a daunting task to find the best supplement in the over-flooded supplement industry. But if you keep your eyes open and do research properly, you can surely find two popular supplements for abs – PrimeShred and Instant Knockout.
No.#1: PrimeShred

- A hardcore fat-melting supplement, PrimeShred is referred to as the excellent fat burner by worldwide men and women and trusted experts.
- It is scientifically-proven, natural, and safe for your health without burning your pocket.
- It is inclusive of ingredients such as green tea, green coffee, Rhodiola, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12.
- It is suitable for everyone, including vegans, vegetarians and dairy-intolerants, and those suffering from sensitivities.
- It has a simple dosage and does not need any reminders throughout the day.
Click to Visit PrimeShred Official Website, and Get Risk-Free 100 Days Money Back Guarantee.
No.#2: Instant Knockout

- An advanced, potent formula, Instant Knockout knocks out all the body and belly fat and makes you lean and muscular like ever. It is not muscle=building as such, but it is popular amongst bodybuilders.
- It is great for metabolic rate and helps in the weight loss process.
- The experts and makers of Instant Knockout studied the working of Alpha-2 receptors and how they help in reducing the fatty zones of your body. So, when it comes to targeting the trouble areas, Instant Knockout works in an amazing way.
- Natural yet effective ingredients form the composition of Instant Knockout formula – green tea, green coffee, cayenne pepper, caffeine, and others.
- The dosage is 4 capsules and needs to be distributed four times a day.
To Grab a Bottle of this Advanced Blend, Click Here to visit Instant Knockout Official Website.
Why we suggest PrimeShred over Instant Knockout?
We know that you are super-confused at this stage, and the only question that popped in your mind must be – Which one should I buy? PrimeShred and Instant Knockout both seem to be incredible, but which one will give me the perfect abs?
Hey, we understand your dilemna, and hence, we have picked up the best one amongst these two supplements. And our choice is – PrimeShred. Why? Then, please read the following reasons:
- PrimeShred is more powerful and potent because it has unique ingredients such as Vitamin B complex, green tea and green coffee extracts, cayenne powder, and so on. It is the composition of ingredients that brings quicker and better results in the form of muscular abs. And as PrimeShred wins in this aspect, you need to choose it over other brands, including Instant Knockout.
- PrimeShred comes with a money-back guarantee period of almost 100 days. This is another unique aspect of PrimeShred over Instant Knockout, which does not have a money-back guarantee at all. So, if you are trying out a weight loss supplement for the first time, then you should go for PrimeShred as your money will be well-protected.
- PrimeShred has a minimal dosage of 3 capsules a day, whereas Instant Knockout makers tell you to distribute the dosage four times a day. So, when it comes to the convenience factor, PrimeShred is a better choice.
- Pricing has an impact on many customers. If you are someone cost-conscious, then PrimeShred is a good choice because it is more reasonably priced as compared to Instant Knockout.
In short, you have to be dedicated to getting die-hard abs, or else you are not working on your fitness goals seriously. And when it is about making the right decision of the right supplement between the above two, our recommendation will always be PrimeShred. We are not against Instant Knockout, but considering the convenience and other factors, PrimeShred enjoys superiority over other brands. So, get going and be nice to yourself; however, don’t cheat and don’t push beat yourself! You must be enjoying the ab-making journey and not just the results.